Tax Alerts

RoDTEP Scheme – Government notified retrospectively w.e.f 1 January 2021 for identified products and categories

The GOI is expecting that the RoDTEP scheme, a long time in the coming to make India’s exports more competitive Globally. The tax refund rates revealed by the Commerce Department show that exporters will be given tax refunds in the range of 0.5-4.3 percent.

About RoDTEP Scheme:

The Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) scheme was announced by GOI (Government of India) on 14 September 2019 to boost exports by allowing reimbursement of taxes and duties, which are not exempted or refunded under any other scheme in accordance with World Trade Organization (WTO) norms.

The scheme’s objective is to refund, currently unrefunded:

  • Duties/ taxes/ levies, at the Central, State & local level, borne on the exported product, including prior stage cumulative indirect taxes on goods & services used in production of the exported product; and
  • Such indirect Duties/ taxes/ levies in respect of distribution of exported products

It may be noted that rebate under the Scheme shall not be available in respect of duties and taxes already exempted or remitted or credited.

RoDTEP had been live since 1 January 2021 but had remained inactive due to the unavailability of rates and rules and procedure.

The Scheme and rates are notified on 17 August 2021 retrospectively with effect from 1 January 2021 which covers identified export sectors and 8555 tariff lines (in addition to similar support being extended to apparel and made-ups exports under RoSCTL scheme of Ministry of Textiles). The Government has set aside Rs 12,454 crore for refunds under the RoDTEP scheme for the current fiscal.

The scheme is notified by Department of Commerce under para 4.01 (e) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 and to be administered by Department of Revenue (Customs department).

Mode and use of RoDTEP Rebate:

  • E-Scrip would be issued (end to end digitization)
  • Maintain under Electronic Ledger
  • To be used for payment of BCD (Basic Customs Duty)
  • Transferable

Ineligible Categories:

Export of Imported Goods (Para 2.46 of FTP)Deemed Exports
Trans-shipmentSupply by DTA to SEZ/FTWZ units
Export products, subject to Export Duty/Minimum Export PriceEHTP/BTP
Restricted Products – Schedule 2 of Export Policy ITC(HS)Bonded Manufacturing Warehouse (Section 65 of Customs Act, 1962)
Prohibited Products – Schedule 2 of Export Policy ITC(HS)Products manufactured or exported availing benefit under Notfn. No. 32/97-Cus dated 1 April 1997 (Jobbing related)
Exports from non-EDI Port or electronic documentation for ICEGATE EDI has not been generatedGoods which have taken into use after manufacture

For following categories, the implementation date will be decided later based on recommendation of the RoDTEP Committee for products manufactured or exported:

  • In discharge of export obligation under Advance Authorisation or Duty-Free Import Authorisation or Special Advance Authorisation issued under a duty exemption scheme under relevant FTP
  • By EOU unit

Further, GOI reserves the right to modify any of the categories for inclusion or exclusion under the scope of RoDTEP, at a later date.

Obligation of Exporter:

  • To ensure that the receipt of sale proceeds is received within time allowed under FEMA
  • Maintain records substantiating claims made under the scheme
  • Provide adequate records during physical verification [Selection of exporter on sample based on RMS (Risk Management System)]

Pending aspects:

  • IT enable platform for RoDTEP (To be administered by DoR instead of DoC (DGFT)
  • Relevant Rules and Procedure to be issued covering:
  • Grant of RoDTEP Claim
  • Implementation issues including manner of application
  • Time period of application and other matters including export realisation
  • Export documentation
  • Sampling procedure
  • Record keeping etc.
  • Provision for recovery of rebate amount in case of non-realisation of foreign exchange,
  • Suspension/Withholding of RoDTEP in case of frauds and misuse,
  • Penalty

RoDTEP rates:

  • In the range of 0.5-4.3 percent of FOB (Free on Board) value,
  • Certain export products are subject to value cap per unit of the exported product,
  • Fixed quantum of rebate amount per unit is also notified for certain products,
  • RoDTEP rates to be reviewed on annual basis
SectionChapters CoveredRange of RoDTEP Rate as % age of FOBUQCCap (Rs per UQC)
Section IChapter 03, Chapter 04, Chapter 05.0.5% to 2.6% Various (Kg, u)0 to 16
Section IIChapter 06, Chapter 07, Chapter 08.0.5% to 4%Kg0 to 11.9
Section IIIChapter 150.5% to 1%Kg0
Section IVChapter 16 to Chapter 230.5% to 4%Various (Kg, L)0 to 16
Section VIChapter 32 to Chapter 380.5% to 1.6%Various (Kg,m², u, m, ml)  0 to 26.7
Section VIIChapter 39 and Chapter 400.5% to 1.4%.Various (Kg, u, Pa)0 to 18.2
Section VIIIChapter 41 to Chapter 43.0.5% to 1.4%Various (Kg, u).0
Section IXChapter 44, Section 45, Section 46.Rs 0.4 to Rs 400, 0.5% to 1.4%  Various (Mt,M³, Kg, u).  0
Section XChapter 48, Chapter 491.1% to2.4%Various (Kg, u)0.9 to 3.1
Section XIChapter 50 to Chapter 630.5% to 4.3%Various (Kg, ,m²)0 to 24.5
Section XIIChapter 64 to Chapter 670.5% to 1.5%Various (Pa, Kg, u)0 to 37
Section XIIIChapter 68 to Chapter 700.5to 1.00%Various (Kg,mt,Tu,m²)0 to 155
Section XIVChapter 710.01%Various (Kg,c/k)0 to 2.5
Section XVChapter 74, Chapter 75, Chapter 76, Chapter 78, Chapter 79, Chapter 80 to Chapter 830.3% to 2.2%Various (Kg, u)0 to 10.8
Section XVIChapter 84, Chapter 850.6% to 2.2%, Rs 2.30 to Rs 3.50Various (Kg, gi F/S, u, m)0 to 859.1.
Section XVIIChapter 86 to Chapter 890.5% to 2.0%, Rs 8100 pu to Rs 12500 puVarious (Kg, u)0 to 3825.
Section XVIIIChapter 90 to Chapter 920.5% to 1.5%Various (Kg, u)0 to 11.3.
Section XIXChapter 930.5%Kg0
Section XXChapter 94 to Chapter 960.001% to 1.5%Various (Kg, u)0 to 265.2
Section XXIChapter 970.01% to 0.5%Various (Kg, u)0

Questions to ponder???

  • Rates for various sectors such as Steel, Pharma, Chemical and other not notified
  • Rates are considerably lower than erstwhile MEIS (Merchandise Export of India Scheme),
  • Cap on benefit giving lowest ever benefit on export transactions
  • The rates are not based on submissions by various industry stakeholders but based on Budgetary allotment
  • Major sectors and exports such as made under Advance Authorisation, EOU, SEZ, etc not eligible as of now
  • When IT platform and relevant rules would be notified
  • Certain product rate based on UQC not matching with nature of products i.e. UQC is ‘u’ for product under 8413 9190, however, the rates are notified on UQC as ‘Kg’ [Entry 6078 at page number 214]
  • Scheme notified by DoC and to be administered by DoR would create confusion and litigation
  • Whether pending claim would be processed for all exporters in single application or not
  • Issue of non-disclosure of RoDTEP under the shipping bill till date
  • Non coverage of Bonded Warehouse Manufacturer under MOOWR would lead to non-workable of the said scheme

It appears that the budgetary allocation played a major role in deciding the rates, as opposed to actual component of non-creditable taxes. The RoDTEP benefit not being granted to large sectors and categories will have adverse impact on competitiveness of Indian exports and will send negative sentiment amongst the exporters.

About the Writer:

Vineet Suman Darda, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Darda Advisors LLP

Vineet has over 16 years of consulting experience in leadership role in Indirect tax including GST (around 13 years in Big 4) and working with leading players in diverse industry sectors. He has conducted sessions on various indirect tax topics (including GST) at Client’s place, Business Parks, and other forums (ASCI, FTAPCCI, JICA, KOTRA, EPC, ICAI, ICFAI, JITO, RGA and others).

You can reach out on 91-99529 26239 or email [email protected].

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Incentives, subsidies and grants services

Manufacturing has emerged as one of the high growth sectors in India targeting global markets and are becoming formidable global competitors. To promote India as manufacturing hub, Central and State/Union Territories Governments provides various incentives, subsidies and grants to set up manufacturing facility in India. In addition, there are certain incentives for services and other sectors too.

The Government of India provides sector specific subsidies for promoting manufacturing. Further, Package Scheme of Incentives (PIS) is a policy made by every individual state to promote industrial development, employment, investments, inventions and growth. A PIS differs from state to state and is governed by the Directorate of Industrial Policy and Promotions. The development of every state very much depends upon their state policy and also their ease of doing business (EoDB) ranking. Generally, state policies are for the period of 5 years.

Every industrialists and manufacturers need guidance and support to understand central and state policy. Our team at Darda Advisors is highly business oriented in approach and has experience across sectors and the acumen to provide complete solutions for all incentives, subsidies and grants related matters. We provide the following key services:

  • Evaluating various Central and State industrial policy and suggest optimal benefits availability
  • Assist in consultation and negotiation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with State Government
  • Assistance in retrieval of supporting documents from Central/State authority
  • Obtaining pre-approval as required under State Industrial Policies and Central Policies for specific sector
  • Designing system and assistance for generation of necessary documentation for preparing refund/ disbursement claim
  • Preparing refund/disbursement claim as per statutory requirement
  • Filing and processing of refund/disbursement claim with Central/State Authority and follow up
  • Making representation in case refund/disbursement claim rejected