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Authorised Economic Operator – Avail ‘Clear First-Pay Later’ and other Supply Chain benefits

Note: This article is published in FTCCI Review magazine dated 17 November 2021 which can be read at the below link

AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) is a programme under the aegis of the World Customs Organization (WCO) SAFE Framework of Standards to secure and facilitate Global Trade which was introduced in 2011 by Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) in India. AEO is a trade facilitation move wherein benefits are extended to the entities who have demonstrated strong internal control systems and willingness to comply with the laws administered by the CBIC.

The objective of AEO is to provide businesses with an internationally recognized quality mark which will indicate their secure role in the international supply chain and that their Customs procedures are efficient and compliant.

Currently, AEO certified entities as on 1 November 2021 is 4,640 (T1 – 3,147 , T2 – 582, T3 – 44, LO – 867) which are growing day to day even when the same is a voluntarily programme. To avail various tangible benefits from Indian Customs authorities, following options are available:

  • AEO for non MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • AEO for MSME (Liberalised MSME AEO Package)
  • Authorised Public Undertaking (APU) for PSU (Public Sector Undertakings) to avail only ‘Clear First-Pay Later’ i.e., deferred payment of Customs duty benefit.

We have discussed in detail in this article on AEO Scheme, which is common for non MSME and MSME, apart from certain relaxations under the application and approval process as ‘Liberalised MSME AEO package’.

Types of AEO

There is a three-tier programme for importers and exporters in the increasing degree of benefits accorded and compliance requirements. Furthermore, there is single Tier AEO Programme for other than importers and/or exporters. The following types of AEO status can be availed based on the requirement of the organisation and its eligibility:

AEO Tiers (I, II, III)AEO LO (Logistic Operator)
Importer ExporterAll categories of economic operators (other than importers and exporters)
•           Logistics providers,
•           Custodians or terminal operators, 
•           Customs Brokers and
•           Warehouse Operators
•           Port Operators, authorised couriers, Stevedores, etc.

Who can apply?

Any organisation having IEC (Import Export Code) engaged in manufacturing, trading and/or services can apply for single AEO Status for all its branch/ site/ division/factories/warehouse to CBIC on satisfying the following eligibility criteria:

  • Established in India.
  • Business should be involved in Customs related activities.
  • Handled 25 documents (Shipping Bills or Bills of Entry) in last Financial Year (FY) for non-MSME. For MSME, 10 documents in last FY, subject to handling at least 5 documents in each half year period.
  • Have had business activity for 3 Financial Years (FYs) for non-MSME and 2 FYs for MSME (can be waived in deserving cases).

Additional Eligibility conditions for AEO Tier III

The economic operator should have continuously enjoyed the status of AEO Tier II for at least a period of two years preceding the date of application for grant of Tier III status   ORThe economic operator must be holder of AEO Tier II Certificate and its other business partners in the supply chain shall be the holders of AEO-Tier-II or AEO-LO or any other equivalent AEO certificate granted by a foreign Customs

Why to apply?


The AEO schemes provides numerous benefits to importer and/or exporters as mentioned below:

  • Deferred payment of Customs duty for Tier II and onwards
Bill of Entry from 1-15th day of any month17th of the month
Bill of Entry from 16th-last day of month except March2nd day of the following month
Bill of Entry from 16-29 March31 March
Bill of Entry from 30-31 March02 April
  • Direct Port Delivery (DPD)/Direct Port Entry (DPE)

  • Self-declaration of SION (Standard Input Output Norms) under Para 4.07A of FTP 2015-20

  • Paperless declarations with no supporting documents.

  • Benefits of Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) with other Customs Administrations for AEO T2 and AEO T3

  • Faster dispute resolutions, refunds, investigations, drawback and others.

We have enumerated below the said benefits in detail with comparison based on which AEO Tier is applied by Importer and Exporters:

BenefitsAvailability to
Tier ITier IITier III
Deferred payment of duty
Deferred duty payment is a mechanism for delinking duty payment and Customs clearance. It is to be paid fortnightly. It is based on the principle ‘Clear First-Pay later’.
Not AvailableAvailableAvailable
Faster disbursal of drawback amount Drawback amount will be disbursed within 72 hours of Export General Manifest (EGM) submission.Not AvailableAvailableAvailable
Self-declaration of SION
Self-declaration of SION under Para 4.07A of FTP 2015-20 for AEO status holder Exporters in cases where SION is not notified
Access to ICEGATE
AEO Operator will be given access to their consolidated import/export data through ICEGATE (from a notified date)
Not AvailableAvailableAvailable
Faster completion of SVB proceedings
Faster completion of Special Valuation Branch (‘SVB’) proceedings in case of related party imports and monitoring of such cases
Not AvailableAvailableAvailable
Faster disbursal of refund
The refund/Rebate of Customs/Central Excise duty and Service/GST Tax would be granted within 45 days of the submission of complete documents
Not AvailableAvailable (within 45 days)Refund to be granted within 30 days
DPD/DPE Facility
DPD of import Containers thereby entailing the delivery of a shipment from the port to the consignee instead of initially holding it at a container freight station (CFS)and/or DPE of Export Containers which ensures direct entry into the port terminal prior to granting Let Export Order (LEO) (Implementation of Turrant Customs from CBIC)
Trade facilitation
AEO operator will get trade facilitation by a foreign Customs administration with whom India enters into a Mutual Recognition Agreement/Arrangement (MRA)
Not AvailableAvailableAvailable
Facilitation in import /export
High level of facilitation in imports and export of consignments, thereby ensuring shorter cargo release time
AvailableHigher level of facilitation compared to Tier IHigher level of facilitation compared to Tier II
CRM level resolving of issues
Customs Houses will appoint Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) at the level of Deputy / Assistant Commissioner to resolve the procedural and operational issues
Not AvailableAvailableAvailable
Paperless Declarations and MRP stickers
AEO operator will be provided the facility of submitting paperless declarations with no supporting documents in physical form and facility of affixing MRP stickers in their premises
Not AvailableAvailableThe assesssing/examining officer will rely on self certified copies of documents by them without insisting on original copies of documents
Bank Guarantee
Bank Guarantee to be furnished by the AEO operator that their liabilities will be met which is guaranteed by the bank.
Quantum of the Bank Guarantee to be 50% (25% for MSMEs) of that required to be furnished wherever requiredQuantum of the Bank Guarantee to be 25% (10% for MSMEs) of that required to be furnished wherever requiredThey are not required to furnish any Bank Guarantee. Not applicable when Competent Authority orders for bank guarantee for Provisional release of seized goods
No regular Post Clearance Audit (PCA) PCA allows Customs to reduce border controls by shifting compliance checks from the clearance stage to the post clearance stageOnsite PCA will be conducted once in two years onlyOnsite PCA will be conducted once in three years onlyOn request inspection/examination will be provided. Onsite PCA once in 5 years
24/7 clearances on request at all seaports and airports
As well as there is no need to pay Merchant Overtime Fee (MOT) charges which are charged when the services of Customs Officers’ services are used beyond office hours
24/7 clearances and no Merchant Overtime Fee (MOT) charges (For every AEO entity)
Receipt of an e-mail Receipt of an e-mail regarding arrival/ departure of the vessel carrying consignmentsAvailableAvailableAvailable

Other than Importers/Exporters (AEO-LO)

BenefitsAvailability to
Logistic service providersWarehouse operatorsCustodian operatorsCustodian operators
Waiver of bank GuaranteeWaiver of Bank Guarantee to be furnished under regulation 8 of the CBLR,2013 Waiver of bank Guarantee in case of trans-shipment of goods under Goods imported (Condition of Trans-shipment) Regulations, 1995Not AvailableWaiver of bank Guarantee under Handling of cargo in Customs Area Regulations 2009
Execution of running BondNot AvailableAvailableNot AvailableNot Available
Faster/ Extension of approval/ validity Extended validity (till validity of AEO status) of licenses granted under regulation 9 of the CBLR 2013Not AvailableFaster approval for new warehouses within 7 days of submission of complete documentsExtension of approval under regulation 10(2) of Handling of Cargo in customs area regulation 2009 for 10 years
Waiver of fees/ CertificatesWaiver from fee for renewal of license under sub regulation (II) of regulation II of CBLR,2013(a)Waiver of solvency certificate requirement (b) Waiver of security for obtaining extension in warehousing period
(c) Waiver of security required for warehousing of sensitive goods
(d)antecedent verification for grant of license for warehouse

How to apply?

The program uses a ‘trust but verify’ approach with the trade community. To apply to the programme, a prospective AEO certificate holder submits basic company information and a security profile as per the annexure in the circular. The AEO team checks on the company in its general compliance, legal compliance, management of commercial and transport records, financial solvency, safety and evaluates safety and  security  with  respect  to  procedural  security,  premises security,  cargo  security,  conveyance  security,  personnel  security,  business  partner  security  and  security  training  and threat awareness. The AEO specialists conduct onsite visit of domestic facilities to confirm the security practices are in place and operational in case of higher certification levels. The efficient and compliant businesses are certified into the programme. There are certain relaxations on submission of Annexure by MSMEs.

The applicant has to apply online on along with physical submission (except for AEO Tier I) and following is the timeline for approval based on submission of application:

AEO Tier I15 days1 month
AEO Tier II3 months6 months
AEO Tier III6 months6 months
AEO LO6 months6 months

Validify of AEO

The AEO certificate is valid for relevant period and need to be renewed based on type of Tier certificate:

Type of AEOValidity and renewal requirementDue date for submission of renewal application
AEO Tier I (including MSME)Auto Renewal, subject to submission of annual self-declaration and review thereofAnnual Self-declaration to be filed between 1 October 2021- 31 December 2021
AEO Tier II3 years, to be renewed after validity60 days before lapse of validity
AEO Tier III5 years, to be renewed after validity90 days before lapse of validity
AEO LO5 years, to be renewed after validity90 days before lapse of validity

Over the years, AEO has become a flagship programme for WCO Members as it offers an opportunity for Customs to share its responsibilities with the businesses,  while  at  the  same  time rewarding  them  with  a  number  of  additional  benefits.

The Indian AEO Programme is a game-changer. It will not only achieve ‘Make in India’ but also substantially add to the vision and lead India to become a manufacturing and exporting powerhouse.


Vineet Suman Darda (FCA, ACS, CMA(I)), Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Darda Advisors LLP

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Incentives, subsidies and grants services

Manufacturing has emerged as one of the high growth sectors in India targeting global markets and are becoming formidable global competitors. To promote India as manufacturing hub, Central and State/Union Territories Governments provides various incentives, subsidies and grants to set up manufacturing facility in India. In addition, there are certain incentives for services and other sectors too.

The Government of India provides sector specific subsidies for promoting manufacturing. Further, Package Scheme of Incentives (PIS) is a policy made by every individual state to promote industrial development, employment, investments, inventions and growth. A PIS differs from state to state and is governed by the Directorate of Industrial Policy and Promotions. The development of every state very much depends upon their state policy and also their ease of doing business (EoDB) ranking. Generally, state policies are for the period of 5 years.

Every industrialists and manufacturers need guidance and support to understand central and state policy. Our team at Darda Advisors is highly business oriented in approach and has experience across sectors and the acumen to provide complete solutions for all incentives, subsidies and grants related matters. We provide the following key services:

  • Evaluating various Central and State industrial policy and suggest optimal benefits availability
  • Assist in consultation and negotiation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with State Government
  • Assistance in retrieval of supporting documents from Central/State authority
  • Obtaining pre-approval as required under State Industrial Policies and Central Policies for specific sector
  • Designing system and assistance for generation of necessary documentation for preparing refund/ disbursement claim
  • Preparing refund/disbursement claim as per statutory requirement
  • Filing and processing of refund/disbursement claim with Central/State Authority and follow up
  • Making representation in case refund/disbursement claim rejected